Whilst editing the portraits, I tried to make each photo seem different by using different contrast strengths and different colour schemes for each image, making some more saturated then others in order to experiment with what I like best.
Editing One of My Portraits
My original image
I chose to edit this image as I liked how the model was slightly off centre and out of frame as I thought it could tell an interesting story. Along with that I also liked how she was posed with the apple and basket. I felt like I had decent lighting and could improve upon this image further by adjusting the colours and exposure especially since I got the window in the background which could further add to the story.
I started by sharpening the image so the details could be clearly seen before changing the temperature of the photo in order to give it a colder look. I then went onto changing the lighting by increasing the highlights and decreasing the shadows and contrast and vibrance in order to give the image a soft and dreamy look. Next, I desaturated most of the yellows in the image so it wasn’t overpowering everything else in the image, especially as I wanted the apple to be the brightest thing in frame.
Unfinished edit
Finally, I finished off the edit by increasing the temperature [as the yellows were no longer as bright] and added a subtle white vignette which gave an almost vintage look to the image and added to the dreaminess of the photo.
Final Edit 1
Before and After
My Final Portraits:
This is my favourite portrait as I like the desaturated tone and framing in the photo along with the lighting. I think the increased highlights make the image look more visually appealing as they guide the eye towards her dress and help her be the focus of the photo instead of the slightly distracting window. I also like the lack of shadows in the image which helps create a soft, painting-like photo
On my hamptonne visit, I took many pictures of the insides of the buildings, in order to capture a snapshot of the era in which the building was on display as, and to document the life at the farm at the time.
Contact Sheet
My contact sheet of my favourite images of interiors – using flagging system and colour reg to sort them.
Best Images
I edited my favourite images, using Lightroom Classic.
Edited – highlighting the shadow within the image, using contrast, blacks, whites, texture, cropping and warmth.
Edited – Heightening contrast, increasing vibrance and texture , and adding grain. This image shows the style of design and interiors in the post war period, at Hamptonne.
Edited – Using adjustment of blacks. whites, contrast and grain. I chose this image as one of my best because of the shadows created in the glass cabinet, creating interesting lighting.
Edited – increasing texture, clarity, contrast, decreasing exposure and adding grain. I chose this image due to the high shadow in the background, the rich colours and the composition.
Edited – using basic editing tools like decreasing exposure, adding blacks and decreasing whites, adding contrast and grain. I also used a vignette to help frame the picture, after cropping it. This helps to create a balanced composition.
Edited – after turning B and W using the preset: “Soft B and W”, I increased the temperature, added vignette, and increased exposure. I chose to turn this specific image black and white because of the strong blacks and whites in the sheet music and piano itself.
I used colour flagging, as well as the p and x tools to hide and flag my least and most successful images.
Best Images
Edited – For this edit, after cropping, I focused on adding warmth, decreasing exposure and adding contrast to exactuate the areas of shadow. The reason I selected this as one of my favourite images is due to the way the way the Jersey granite and architecture is highlighted.
Edited – In this image, I focused on adding vibrance and saturation, as the photo was originally not very bright. I chose to do this to highlight the green tones in the hedge and plants on the archway, and added contrast to enhance the shadows in the foreground.
Edited – when editing this image – I focused on adding contrast and whites to show the rich colours of the building and to highlight the shadows in the window.
Edited – I chose this image as one of my best as it shows the intricate architecture of the buildings. I focused on adding light and warmth to this image when editing.
I edited this image black and white – I used a black and white preset and then focused on editing contrast and highlight to exaggerate the shapes and shadow within the image.
I selected my best images through using the p and x method to flag them then I made sure to select the best possible images using the staring system.
I then went into develop mode and adjusted the WB and the exposure and contrast till I was happy with the images. I exported the final images into the media drive in a blog friendly size.
First I selected my images using p and x and then used a staring system to select the best images in more depth.
Then I went into develop mode and began the editing process by adjusting the white balance and the shadows and highlights to give a feel of the heritage that the interior of the buildings have.
I repeated this process 2 more times for the other images until I was happy with the final composition.
First I flagged my images using p and x and stared them using the starring system. I then selected 4 portraits that where rated 4 starts or more to edit into final images.
Then I went into develop mode and adjusted the white balance and the exposure and contrast in order to refine the image.
when I was happy with my editing I exported the image into the media drive in the size x1000.
For these individual images I took at hamptonne, I have increased the cool tones and warm tones to set different visuals on the photos. For others i have edited the brightness and highlights to change the mood of the image creating different perceptions.