While at Hamptonne, there were various interiors which I took photos of which included various objects, giving it a level of uniqueness and individuality. Below, I have chosen two photos which I think were my most successful to edit and compare filters with. One edit I did on photoshop, whereas the other was done on Adobe Lightroom to experiment with which one I liked more.
Photoshop –
For this edit, which I did on photoshop, I think that this is a really successful edit as it has turned out really well and I achieved this by changing the saturation, contrast, hue and vibrancy so that it would make the photo darker and more vibrant. This makes the finer details stand out more due to the vibrancy of the wood tones contrasted against the light and duller tones which makes the picture look as if it is hiding more than is showing which makes you want to go in and explore more of the room.
Adobe Lightroom –
For this edit, which I did on Adobe Lightroom, I really like how this edit turned out for the interior of Hamptonne as it shows the spinning wheel clearly as the main subject of the photo, which catches your attention. I also really like how the shadow of the window on the wall has become more defined due to bringing the contrast and shadows up, this is because it creates a really nice pattern on the wall as if it is highlighting the object as it looks as if it is pointing directly at it.