Due to the time of day when we were taking photos of Hamptonne, the sunlight was quite bright which meant that a lot of my photos which were taken outside were over exposed due to the brightness of the sun, meaning the exteriors of the houses would be lost within the photos. Below, I have chosen 2 photos to edit on Adobe Lightroom which I think are quite cleverly taken as they show Hamptonnes exterior and historical figures who were there.
For this edit, I made the lighter tones by changing the exposure, shadows and contrast which was created from the sunlight warmer which brought down the overexposure of them which creates a happier, more welcoming and comforting atmosphere around the characters. Therefore, this helps to define the characters in the photo and their surroundings because the colours of their outfits and the way they are standing is more defined, making you wonder what they could be talking about as it looks like a picture which could have been taken a while ago, resembling the activities of these historical figures.
For this edit, I wanted to create the effect as if it was taken on a vintage camera as a quick snapshot. I did this through creating a yellow hue, which many photos would have many years ago, I created this through bringing the exposure down quite a bit to get rid of the slight overexposure of the image from the sunlight then playing around with the other settings which makes the buildings exterior more defined along with the characters and their objects. I think that this picture was quite successful to begin with as it shows the historical characters in a natural way as they are being captured through this window as they are doing their daily activities. This adds a sense of story to the photo because it looks as it was taken quickly and makes you wonder what they are doing as they seem to be taking their time and paying attention to the finer details of what they are doing.