Contact Sheets
Whilst at Hampton we got the opportunity to take photos of the Living History characters, here I have demonstrated how I took my images, asking the characters to move and hold different objects to create a wider range of images. I think that this range of portraits was my favourite to take as we had some help from Tom Kennedy who showed us how to use reflectors and how to angle the camera to create more legible images.

Final Images
Here I have edited some of my favourite photos from my collection of portraits. In Lightroom I have altered the exposure and white balance to changes the images, also making one black and white. I think that my favourite image would have to be the first one as I like how the image is quite zoomed out, showing the surroundings, whilst till making the character the main aspect of the image. Furthermore, I like how the editing done to this makes the dark browns very dark and the white very clear, creating more contrast.

One of my favourite features of Lightroom is being able to split the screen to show your image before and after it has been edited, this is helpful as you can make a judgement as to whether your image looked better before or after. In addition, the small changes made during editing become more evident, like in my last final image where I have just altered the clarity.