Photography’s Functions
In my opinion there are multiple functions/ uses of photography it can be used to capture memories and events in someone’s personal life, or on the other hand it can become very general and varied, such as pictures of natural events in the newspapers. Furthermore, it can be used to communicate everything that is occurring all around the world at one time, although photographs only capture one point in time and sometimes don’t show the whole story, pictures can communicate important issues such as climate change, mental health and the pandemic. Personally the main function of photography is to capture memories such as holidays around the world and growing up in my childhood home.
Photography as an art form
Photography can be viewed as a from of art and self expression as it can portray someone’s emotions through an image or a collection of images, people can manipulate their images to emphasise specific parts of the image. However, this makes images untrustworthy and misleading, for example when celebrities use photoshop to make their images look more aesthetically pleasing. Photography contrasts with other visual art forms as in my opinion its the most misleading, but can have the most influence other other opinions, mostly because a whole story sometimes cant be told through one photo. Photography as an art illustrates how the work is done by the photographer/ artist rather than jus the camera itself, this allows famous photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson to explain the thought process and development behind his images.

The study and practise of photography
One of my favourite thing about visual arts in general is the many ways in which it can be used in very serious situations such as finding out what a criminals face looks like on CCTV or illustrating how many children starve in third world countries. The practise of photography is very important as even though we might not know it we need it to show evidence of everything from school work, to the discoveries of new planets, as some of my favourite high resolution images are of earth from thousands of miles away. I think that the main benefit from the study of photography is how it can change your perspective on things, anything from the angles and the lighting to the way in which situations are viewed. For example, the famously controversial image that Kevin Carter taken had a serious message behind it, not telling the whole story, whereas if he had included the food bank in the background of his image then maybe it would not have bee as controversial in a negative way, this demonstrates how easily images can be manipulated.