Contextual –
Robert Frank Trolley travelled around America, taking photos for his book. This photo shows its a group of different people travelling somewhere on a bus in 1955, post war when racism was still quite big and coloured people were still made to sit at the back. The bus signifies how old the photo is and when this picture was taken as it is very old fashioned.
Conceptual –
It could show how unfair the treatment of coloured people was back in 1955 as they were made to sit at the back of the bus and their facial expressions could signify how unfair they think that it is.
Visual –
The light and dark tones, created through the natural light, contrasts against each other, which catches your eye and makes the reflection in the windows above quite clear which draws your attention to it make you wonder where in New Orleans this was taken and what the surroundings were like. The bars in between each people can show how it may look like they are imprisoned and sectioned off.
Technical –
The lighting in this picture is quite natural, which is created by the daylight, while also being under exposed due to the time in which it was taken and the cameras which would have been available, this creates quite a cold feel for the atmosphere the photo creates. The lens which creates the way the picture was taken is at quite a wide angle but is very focussed on the subjects within it, so that it catches your attention well.