Tag Archives: modern day heroes

Modern Day Heroes

As an introduction to portrait photography, I focused on the theme of “Modern Day Heroes”. This project involved taking photographs of essential workers who helped to save and serve the public during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Photoshoot plan

Modern Day Heroes inspired photoshoot

I decided to take pictures of my mum, as she works for the Jersey Hospice Care Shop, although they were unable to open during lockdown, they were one of first retail shops to reopen in order to raise money for the Jersey Hospice Care.

I took photos of her wearing her uniform to represent her essential work and captured her wearing a face mask, as the workers were made to wear masks throughout their entire shift to keep the public safe. I thought this was an important aspect of essential workers as it proves that in a time like this, we all have to be considerate of others which proves the sense of unity that COVID-19 brought to the world, despite the tragedies occurring daily.



Behind Closed Doors: Photographs of Essential Keyworkers During COVID-19.

Over half term please can you start and attempt to start taking portraits.

The theme will be ‘Modern Day Heroes’.
If you have a family member or a family friend who is a carer, nurse, doctor or works for any of the emergency services or as a key worker then please take some portrait images of them ensuring their uniform and/or equipment is clearly part of the portrait.

Roles could include any essential or key workers in the following areas:

  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Carer
  • Bus Driver
  • Firefighter
  • Police
  • Delivery
  • Paramedics
  • Health worker
  • Cleaners
  • Shop assistants
  • Postal workers
  • Hairdressers/Barbers
Fay - trainee nursing associate
Milton photographer captures portraits of key workers to show appreciation  for their work | The News

If you don’t have a family member or family friend who works in these areas then you may have to be brave and try to photograph those you may come into contact with. eg: bus driver, delivery man, refuse collectors, cleaners, barber, hairdresser, postman etc.

The London bus drivers on the coronavirus front line | Financial Times
Photographer captures portraits of London's key workers on daily walks |  Metro News
When will hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons open in Scotland? - Daily  Record
Tom Nolan, one of Bury's hero bin men
The photograph doesn’t always have to include a person. It could be object based.
Can cleaners go back to work as government eases lockdown restrictions? |  Chichester Observer


Where, What, How, When, Who.

Lighting / Day / Night / Indoor / Outdoors

Aperture settings / Focus / Depth of Field

Monday 2nd November 2020