Tag Archives: definition

Anthroposcene Introduction

The word Anthropocene is largely used in science and was a word given to our current geological epoch, being the stage in the geological time scale where humans are having the greatest effect on the earth in an environmental and climate viewpoint.

This word was adapted by a group of photographers who began to take initiative into creating a visual perspective for how humans effect the earth.

Anthropocene focuses on concepts such as pollution, recourse mining, urbanisation, deforestation, climate change and so on, all as a result of human activity.

Introduction to Identity

Definition of Identity

“the distinguishing character or personality of an individual”.

How an individual views themselves.

How others view an individual.

Identity can affect people in many different ways and each persons identity can be resultant on their upbringing due to the Tabula Rasa theory which states that individuals are born as a “blank slate” and the people that raise you and the culture of the environment you grow up in mould your identity. People can relate their identity to many aspects of their life – gender identity /cultural identity /social identity /
geographical identity /political identity /lack of / loss of identity.