All posts by Olivia S



the world is beautiful

Albert Renger-Patszch was a German photographer who was heavily involved in the new objectivity movement which emerged in 1920s Germany to contrast the abstract art of German expressionism . The movement focused on industrial objects and buildings and was similar to the style of realism. His attitude towards photography created a ‘faithful recording of the world’ according to the Tate. Renger-Patszch photographed a range of different things, from botanical’s, to still to life, to industrial architecture. His book “the world is beautiful doesn’t focus on just one aspect and instead shows this mix. He often used light to create beautiful shadows in his photos. He also used a lot of symmetry and repetition which made his industrial photos look more harsh but grew him criticism for being “too beholden to a naive idea of photographic realism and ended up aestheticizing everything, thus obscuring social realities” Other artists who were prevalent in the era of new objectivity were August Sander and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy.

analysis of his photos

Both of these photos are in a black and white tone. This was the only option for Renger-Patszch at the time as coloured photography was not available. Even though this wasn’t a conscious decision, it adds to the affect on the audience as it accentuates the monotony of the repeated line of loves as well as making the shadowing on the glasses clearer. The lack of colour brings attention to the objects. Both photos are of man made objects, even though the loaves are more organic they have a more industrial feel to them compared to the glasses as the photo is so focused on their symmetry and faultlessness. As said before the shadowing in his photos are excellent, this is partially due to the artificial lighting that adds an almost clinical feeling to the images, especially of the loaves. The cropping and framing of the photos is interesting as in the right hand photo, not all of the glasses are in frame and in the other photo the frame has been tilted instead of just rows photographed. This gives the illusion that the loaves just carry on going forever, again giving the photo an industrial feel.

Renger-Patszch inspired photography

I was especially inspired by Renger-Patszchs work on still life, in particular his photo of glasses, so i decided to take some similar photos using objects around my house. I ended up using some vintage crockery and cutlery which I felt worked really well.

Life after lockdown

This series of photos is based around waiting and covid 19. I took the photos whilst on holiday in Tenerife where wearing a mask outside is mandatory and I found it interesting how people went about their daily tasks wearing a mask which is why I chose to have my photos as people waiting wearing masks. All photos are taken without the knowledge of my subjects so they are all natural which I liked as it looked less forced than it would if I have if I had made the subjects pose for me. I chose these 3 photos as I feel like they reflected my experience the best. The black and white photos show the discomfort of traveling during coronavirus while the coloured photo shows a balance between the discomfort and the beauty of tenerife. 

I decided on the middle image as my final photo as I felt the colours were really beautiful and bright and contrasted really well with the grimness of the coronavirus situation. The photo was taken in a harbour in playa de las galletas and is of my sister hiding in the shade. As she was unaware of the the photo being taken, her facial expressions are dull and uninterested which I think makes the photo more poignant .

Next time I do this I will try to take more photos of the same image so that I have more choice finding the best photos. It was hard to do that this time as no one was posing. I took inspiration from artists like Dorethea Lange. 

contact sheets

A contact sheet is a piece of photographic paper on to which several or all of the negatives on a film have been contact-printed as evidence of a photo shoot. They are essential as they help organise photos and make it easier to decide which ones to use.

The Art Of The Contact Sheet : The Picture Show : NPR
an example of a contact sheet

This is the start of a contact sheet of my dog which should be 36 images. Some of the photos have been edited and cropped. Narrowing it down, the bottom left and right photos as well as the top middle are my favourites and should be circled.