surface and colour

Exploring with ISO settings-

I photographed the woods in different IOS settings. As you can see the lower the IOS setting was , for example in the first photo it was 400, the less light got in and it was very dark and almost all black. I then photographed it each time I increased the IOS setting and as you can see the photo got much more lighter and the last photo turned out almost white.


Ernst Haas- Ernst Haas was an Austrian-American photojournalist and color photographer. During his 40-year career, Haas bridged the gap between photojournalism and the use of photography as a medium for expression and creativity.

He focuses on a variety of surfaces such as roads, reflections in mirrored buildings or even water. My process for this photo shoot will be to take photos of different parts of a road such focus on the surface of the pavement and even certain areas like a zebra crossing. I will also photograph reflections in puddles or windows and if it rains then keep the background out of focus and make the raindrops the main focus.

Ernst Haas — Robert Klein Gallery

My response-

AARON SISKIND– Aaron Siskind was an American photographer whose work focuses on the details of things, presented as flat surfaces to create a new image independent of the original subject. I was inspired by the photographs he took of the roads and all the different broken textures. I’m going to take own photos in the style of Aaron Siskind as his work fits perfectly into the theme of texture.

Here’s some of my favourite photographs he’s took-

Aaron Siskind — Robert Klein Gallery
Literally Abstract - Aaron Siskind - John Paul Caponigro – Digital  Photography Workshops, DVDs, eBooks : John Paul Caponigro – Digital  Photography Workshops, DVDs, eBooks


My main focus during this photoshoot was to take photos and capture different textures I could spot in the woods. For example, I took photos of various parts of broken woods and trees, the reflection in the small stream and several branches. I took photos of extremely tall trees from a much lower angle in order to create the illusion of the tree looking right over the person looking at my photograph, this also makes the tree seem much bigger than it actually is. While I was doing that I was using different IOS settings, as you can see in my contact sheets I had to take the same photo a couple of times to get the perfect lighting with the IOS setting. The darker the setting was the more details you could see on the tree barks and cores as the colour was much sharper and you could see the patterns on them a lot more clearer. I also took photos of corners of roads as I wanted to take photos in the style of Aaron.

My favourite photos


I really like how my photo shoot in the woods turned out because I wanted to focus on the different textures and reflections in the stream as well as exploring the different IOS settings. I was inspired by Aaron because he captures texture in a different way such as paint or wood peeling off different walls which is why I wanted to photograph the broken tree barks and photograph them up close. By changing the IOS settings it made a big difference in how much detail you could see in each photo and how much light was getting let in.

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