First I put all my photos onto lightroom then I go through them either to flag them if I like them or reject them if I don’t like them or the image isn’t right.
With the flagged images I colour code the best images red and leave the images I don’t want with no colour. With images similar to each other I would put them next to each other to compare them.
Then I narrow down the images again by keeping the best images red and with a selection on three images I colour coded them green as if the number of images where to be cut down.
Which then I transferred the new images into a folder so then it would be easier to transfer them again into a folder on my desktop.
I then went through the images and edited them making the colours bolder and brighter, adjusting the way they look to have a more centred image.
I finally put the finished images into a folder on my desktop which I will then put them together to create a zine.