Anthropocene: Comparison + Evaluation


Yao Lu -  Smoke-like Clouds at Zhongshan, 2006  | Bruce Silverstein Gallery
Yao Lu – Smoke-like Clouds at Zhongshan, 2006
One of my Outcomes

Differences – The layout of both images is different as mine has a clear horizon that splits the image in the top middle thrid with a straight line, whereas Yao Lu’s is a horizon made from the mountain tops which is in the very top third. I also left most of the natural landscape in the image, however Lu covered all/most of the natural landscape with waste and netting. The colouring in Lu’s image is more muted and made of more neutral colours. Mine is muted but there is certain aspects, specifically the added waste piles where it is more graphic and vibrant. the overall style of Lu’s image is very painterly and delicate, but mine is more graphic and bold.

Similarities – Both images have the same concept of photo montaging waste in the form of the natural landscape. Both images are overall warmer toned. Also the images have been framed and cropped to be circular in the same way.


Even though the final outcomes I had planned in my head looked more like Yao Lu’s painterly photographs I am happy that the non-natural aspects of the image (the fishing abandoned equipment), are more graphic and contrast with the natural landscape that should be there. This gives the image more contrast physically and metaphorically in the sense that the earth is turning into a waste land because all these waste products that human kind have made and harmed the earth with are going to be the new reality as the natural landscapes are being damaged and slowly disappearing. therefore based on this I have clearly shown the theme of Anthropecene, how the earth is changing based on human error, through my series images.

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