In this image it the dynamics are very exaggerated as the trees show some dark black shades and with the sun giving a bright white background making it unclear what’s behind the trees. With this image the branches start from the left going towards the right as though it is climbing over to the other side. Within this image the branches show chaos and lots to focus on with the texture of the rocks and the branches overlapping each other.

In this image it focuses on a grey tonal range giving the image a misty look to it, the water reflecting the branches can be seen as quite still giving the image a simple abstract overview. With this image the branches start from the top and bottom going towards the centre line as though they are reaching out towards each other. Within this image the branches are calm and simple to follow with some overlaps and thinner branches.

In both images the focus on the photos are the branches going from one side of the photo to the other, slightly covering up the background making is harder to see. They both give a mysterious look with the branches giving a perception of which way round the image is as the first image looks side ways as the branches are on their side looking like a tree and the other image is reflected so the original image could be upside down and just reflected in photoshop. I thought that the image I created is representative towards the water image as I wanted the focus of the image to be the branches and the in depth detail they have with them overlapping each other yet I wanted to create more noise in my image as I found the image was too calming and simple as I prefer images with simple chaos emerging the more you analysis it.

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