Laia Abril

Laia Abril was a Spanish photographer who was born in 1986. She studied on cases such as rape , abortion and eating disorders. Her work typically studies hard , painful subjects that seem difficult to talk about , therefore she photographed these tough times to record these events for either the person that is going through the situation or for her own work. She did this to spread the word about these tragic events that happen in day to day life.


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Images by Laia Abril

These images by Laia express difficulties in eating disorders that are found in many female and males around the world. 85% of the UK women agree that they are not happy about how the look body wise and how they feel uncomfortable with their physical state. As some of Laia’s work is hard to look at , these images above show only a few of what these issues look like. They are strong , powerful and sensitive photographs that some viewers may find disturbing. But that is the whole point of why Laia is expressing her work on these problems. They indicate someone’s identity , how they are known , how they are seen. Many people would ask why? Why do these horrible things to themselves? These images shows a physical state , but all have a story behind them. Fear, loneliness, anxiety , all link to these issues that people face. Capturing it in an image may help them understand what they need to overcome.

How Claude Cahun’s work And Laia’s work Link?

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Left Image – Claude Cahun Right Image – Laia Abril

These two photographers have similarities such as how peoples appearance indicates how others think of them. An example of this would be a girl coming out as being gay, then hated by others for it. A man with an eating disorder and seen as stupid to others. They both link to the theme of identity as for how these choices they make are a part of their life. These images show a strong message to what these people think of themselves such as the right image by Laia. This image is seen as a women squeezing her waist and showing her rips. This indicates that she wants her body image to be different , maybe skinnier. As for the viewers we see someone already too skinny or perfect, but in their own mind they see someone different to that. This could come from bullying, abuse or life in general. Her body seems pale , bony and unwell. But having the confidence to be photographed for the world to see is a set to take to seeing what herself needs to overcome. These images relate to each other as for they show different identities. They suggest these people want to live a different life to what the first were born with as for the eating disorder and a man wanting to be a women.

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