Final Images

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Final Images

Links to Laura Williams

These final images are direct responses to a series of images by Laura Williams where the effect is that the mirror being held makes that subject seem invisible, creating a sense of a lack of identity.

Laura Williams

In final image 1, the female subject is in a similar position to the subject in Laura Williams’ image, where the subject has a serious expression and is looking directly into the camera. The colours are also vibrant in both of the images and the mirror covers up part of the subject.

In final image 2, the concepts and contents of the image is the same, but it is in black and white, enhancing the contract in tones between the highlights and the shadows.

Final image 3 is a mix of the two, where the main image is in colour, but the ‘reflection’ in the mirror is in black and white, indicating that maybe the subject may not know her identity because the ‘reflection’ has a lack of colour, indicating a lack of identity.

These final images link to an image by Laura Williams where the image that has been taken, is repeated within the mirror being held by the subject, which gives a sense of confusion as this seems impossible, which links to not knowing your identity or confused about identity.

Laura Williams

Both final image 4 and 5 are in this style by Laura Williams, the female subject is looking directly at the camera with the mirror covering her torso. The subject is also wearing a white, loose and wavy style top which, along with the edited mirror, adds a surreal feeling to the image.

These images are influenced by Laura Williams mirror portraits, but also Bobby Becker’s surrealism images.

Bobby Becker

Bobby Becker creates a surreal effect by creating an impossible image with mirrors. The reflections in the mirrors are different from what they should be, creating an eerie, surreal effect.

Final image 6 symbolises a lack of reality as what is inside the mirror lacks colour, but what is outside of the mirror doesn’t.

Final image 7 and 8 link to Bobby Becker’s surrealism mirror images because of the un-real reflections in the mirror, creating a surreal, eerie feeling.


Photography’s connection with surrealism lies in its ability to represent the material world in strange and abstract ways. Surrealist photographer Man Ray used double exposure, solarisation and reversed tonality to disturb the viewer’s recognition of things and to suggest the overlapping of dream and reality.’

Bobby Becker creates eerie surreal photography, sometimes using mirrors to do so.

Eerie Surreal Photography By Bobby Becker - IGNANT
The fascinating photography of Bobby Becker - The re:art

Bobby Becker’s images link to identity because what you are seeing in the image is not true to real life. Linking to how people may have an altered perception to their identity.

Bobby Becker, Laura Williams and Claude Cahun – Identity

Bobby Becker, laura Williams and Claud Cahun all explore identity in some way, but some more than others.

Claude Cahun explores ideas of identity the deepest out of the three photographers. She expecially explored gender identity and how smeone saw their own identity.

Claude Cahun: A Very Curious Spirit | AnOther
Overlooked No More: Claude Cahun, Whose Photographs Explored Gender and  Sexuality - The New York Times

Laura Williams, similarly to Claude Cahun, explores how people see their own identity and lack of or multiple identities. This links to the Claude Cahun image above, which symbolises the subject having multiple identities and how they view their own identity.

Laura Williams explored lack of identity and identity as a whole through the use of mirrors. and reflections.

The Story Behind This Viral Invisible Girl Photo by Laura Williams
Image preview

Some of Laura Williams photographs are impossible looking images, such as making the subject appear invisible and epeating images within the mirrors. These give a sense of surrealism.

This links to Bobby Becker, who is a surrealist photographer. And also links to Claude Cahun and identity because of the eerie confusing images. This shows the subject being confused about their identity. Bobby Becker also has a few images with mirrors creating a reflection that doesn’t make sense within the image, such as the subject facing the wrong way in the mirror, eerily plain rooms and other images that dont make sense and make the viewer feel somewhat uneasy.

The fascinating photography of Bobby Becker - The re:art
Eerie Surreal Photography By Bobby Becker - IGNANT

Links to Gender

Lots of Claude Cahun’s images link to gender identity. In her images she tackles the problem with gender norms and stereotypes by going against the way people would expect a woman in her time to dress/act.

The early 1900s artist who rejected gender constructs | Dazed
Claude Cahune

The image above shows an image of Claude Cahun in a shirt. This would stereotypically for the 1900’s be mens clothing. Claude Cahun taking images going against these stereotypes was important to let people know that they can be free to wear and act how they want no matter their gender.

There are lots of other images by Claude Cahun that address gender norms/stereotypes such as the ones below.

The many masks of Gillian Wearing and Claude Cahun | Blog | Royal Academy  of Arts

This idea of gender identity is reflected in Laura Wiliams work and my final images because all of the subjects are female, only showing the identity and thoughts of a female subject.

One thought on “Final Images”

  1. Reuben: overall this is a good project with a clear progression from start to finish.
    It is worthwhile adding in a blog post that explores identity and surrealism in photography but also gender (through the eyes of either a male or female)
    Judith Butler is an academic and writer who is an authority on feminism and gender studies, incl queer theory. Her seminal book is: Gender Trouble which we do have a copy of in the Library LRC and in Media. Here is a good overview of her work – make sure you read it all and watch video as well.


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