Indentity and Place-SHOOT 2

For this photoshoot I went into the studio and used the Gels to cover the key light which then created the coloured background. I wanted to use the gels to show the contrast in views on metal music. Society has put a label on metal as being an angry genre and everyone who listens to it is scary and angry. This isn’t the case. You don’t need to have a specific personality to listen to a type of music, you can be whoever you want.


Who: Tiago

Where: Studio (school)

How: Gels over key light, slow shutter speed

Contact sheets:


I took these images to represent the fact that people can look one way but not act the way you would expect.

The shadow represents the fact that your personality and your music taste make who you are.


For these images I used a slow shutter speed, which created a blurred effect, as the model moved their head when the image was being taken. I think that this is effective because it relates to the fact that someone can have a very quite and shy personality but can listen to metal music which can be very loud and aggressive.

I used the gels over the key light to show the contrast in the way that society views people’s personality and judges what they should listen to just based on one aspect of their life.

I used the blue gel to highlight the personality of the person. I chose blue because it’s a cool tone which isn’t too intimidating and can be seen as a calm colour. I used a red gel to represent the metal music because red can be seen as dangerous and aggressive, which is the stereotype of metal. I also overlapped the gels creating a purple colour to show that you can listen to what you want and be who you would like. There is also a glitch effect created on the background which shows the viewer that if you aren’t what people expect, then people don’t know how to react properly.

The blurred effect creates a smooth look to the image and the facial features blend into the background. The blend could also link to the fact that the lyrics of the music are often emotional but the singer doesn’t sing them to a melodic background. Just because the background is different, it doesn’t mean that the song is angry, most of the time the lyrics are stating how fragile someone is.

I wanted to keep the shadow in on the background as it represents the judgement you face from other people when you listen to the different types of metal. I’ve left it in all my images because no matter what you do you will be judged in some way.

Comparison to Honaker:

I was inspired by this image by Edward Honaker and I wanted to adopt the same methods he chose to show his viewers that he wasn’t feeling happy anymore. However I wanted to keep it in colour to represent that we don’t all fit in society’s stereotype.

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