Shoot 1Shoot 2
What​Photographs with a mirror andreflection.​Photographs through glass or other translucent objects.​
Where​Both indoors and outdoors fornatural and indoor lighting.​Indoors with studio-like lighting.​
When​On a weekend around midday foroptimal lighting.​Any day.​
Who​A friend.​Myself.
Why​To create reflection- This will create’another image’ in the reflectionwhich will represent the way you are seen by others.​To create distortion- This willrepresent how a person viewsthemselves which is incorrect andexaggerated to the way you areviewed by others.​

Unfortunately there was a technical error, therefore I cannot post my raw images here. However I do have my slightly adjusted images:

Above is my first selection, the first thing I did was turn the images black and white. This was not only to create a visual link to Claude Cahun’s work, but it also makes the viewers focus on the subject of the photograph as well as its meaning. Bright colours can distract the viewer. Secondly, I cropped the images down to avoid unwanted objects and things in the background. And finally I adjusted the brightness and contrast to what I thought looked better.

Above is my final selection from shoot one. These images both a strong contrast between one side an the other with a clear and straight centre point. The images also shows two angles of the same person which is what I was aiming for. My general idea when taking these photographs was to show that the way you view yourself differs from the way others view you- the opposing light and dark tones alongside the two different viewpoints in person and in the reflection convey the message well. I will continue to try various things with these images in my next blog to further link them to my chosen photographers.

I also chose these photos to further edit in the style of Jesse Draxler. They are just simple portrait photos with different angles of the face.

With these images, I had already set the camera filter to black and white for the same reason in my selection of shoot 1.

When editing, I only cropped the image and slightly adjusted contrast and exposure. The reason for these images I took of myself are to display unrealistic distortions, and how people may view themselves which is only in their mind and not the way they are seen by others.

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