For my photo-book I have decided to base it around culture as I felt that this name is more effective than wealth and power as there’s a variety of cultures within the communities which have significant impacts on how the power and wealth people have has a varying impact on the overall community.

I personally feel that my book will look at its best if I use a hard cover and matte paper as this may make the photographs look vibrant. Additionally I also feel that the way in which I have laid out the photographs clearly show the different cultures as well as the effects that the power and wealth have on people in days to days life.

Overall I feel that I have successfully achieved what I wanted with this photograph and the topic around it this is due to the fact that each photo can be interpreted in multiple ways. Furthermore I also feel that each of my photographs have meaning behind them as the different people within some of my pictures all follow different cultures as well as having different levels of wealth and power.

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