Photobook layout, design and experimentation

Experimentation with layout and images

The magazine is called “More Than Two” because there is always more than two people in a situationship apparently.

Using Adobe Lightroom, I uploaded all of my final images from my folder and gave them colours to show which ones I think are best and which images aren’t as good. For example:

As you can obviously see I experimented with the images on different pages seeing which images work best together. I also adjusted the size of the photograph and experimented with making some images full bleed and white borders. What I gathered was having the Bible texts as a full bleed gives a Bible book feel as well as having the front and back cover full bleed looks more aesthetically pleasing. Also, having a full bleed bible passage with a white-bordered image looks better on my layout and perfectly shows the juxtaposition between the two.

I also experimented with the order of the pages to test which order portrayed my story best and found that it was best to start off the book with the bible quote which was constantly being repeated in my mind when I was with my second ex; “For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end, she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword.” – Proverbs 5:3-4. This quote, to me, at the time, was like a warning, or a reminder that this guy, may be sweet but will soon become toxic which was indeed the case, sort of… We broke up because I wasn’t ready to take things deeper with him.

The book then proceeds to show same-sex partners getting intimate together, right at the start. This was actually done on purpose for if you know anything about Grindr and hookups, you get quite intimate scarily quickly.

Moving forward, we then have a landscape image to try and show the reader that this couple has been going on dates, getting to know each other, and acting like a couple. Also shown through the upcoming images. Some images are blurry on purpose; to give a sense of memory since in many cases, these cute moments end really quickly and you’re left with nothing but memories.

My book then goes on through a new twist; a bible passage. Ironically every bible passage within my book is the passages that talk about homosexuality, and in red are some of the gay stories and experiences that I had to go through. These texts are joined by some images to help the viewer better imagine these scenarios.

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