As many of my projects are connected with the subtopic of food I decided to continue that topic of study for my segment in the newspaper using a collection of photographs taken for previous projects. To achieve this I used InDesign, which I had previously used in my Zine project and set to work curating my favourite images to present my work over the last year. I used a mix of full bleed spreads as well as juxtaposition sots which include my great great grandmothers alien identity card contrasted by a portrait of my grandmother. I edited my photos on light room with a range of black and white and others with cinematic and vintage filters to create deep meaningful colours and imagery relating to vintage cookery books. Initially, when searching for my photos I realised that a vast majority were compressed low quality images so had to do further searching to find the raw images on my SD card to ensure the photos would be high quality with minimum pixilation and blurriness.

After putting together these photos I decided that there was not enough variety and although I really wanted to include the archival documents and photographs, they did not seem to fit in. To combat this issue I created a montage based on the portrait of my grandmother with a bricolage of her family photos and her own grandmothers immigration papers and documents.

I designed the layout for my first zine by matching silhouetted shapes unconventionally, The photos contrasting between portraits and landscapes taken in town between candid’s taken at a family dinner. With the second zine I followed a less conceptual idea with all photos being centred around the family and the only photographs not on a family member being archival documents of family members and a platter of seafood which I used to represent the central theme of food that brought my family together.