The main reason I wanted to create another photo shoot was because I needed a strong image for the front cover. My plan was to get a wide drone shot of the whole bay mainly focusing on the L’Islet.
This is a contact sheet of all the images I got for the shoot:

These are my favourite images after images after editing:

The first image has the most potential for a front cover. Whereas, the panoramic photos would be good for a double page spread. There was a panoramic setting on the drone which I utilised. I add to merge them together in Photoshop using the merge feature to create one image. After, I used my normal editing techniques, which includes a camera-raw filter.

I edited all my images in Photoshoot after choosing what images I wanted to use by marking them with tags on my laptop. This image was a landscape, however I cropped it to make a more interesting composition and remove all of the distractions. Then a used a Camera-RAW filter to colour grade the image and do basic adjustments to contrast, temperature, and shadows. I also used 2 gradual filters to emphasis the orange form the sun and, blue for the water. I used a radial filter on the L’Islet to increase the shadows to that the L’Islet is more prominent.
Overall, this photoshoot was successful, as I got a good front cover image, however it can’t be a full wrap image only a front cover image. Although by doing this extra photoshoot I was able to produce an extra page in my photo-book. The final outcome was different to what I imagined in my head. I planned to go when it was high tide, sunny, and not windy or rainy. However after waiting a few weeks the conditions were never prefect so I decided to go during a mid tide and at sunset. This actually worked out better than I expected, as the orange and blue contrast is really strong and one of my favourite colour combinations.