Personal Study – Book Specification


Identity, Pressure, Masculinity

Tell the story of an hypermasculinity in sports and the pressure it puts on young men and how it effects life off the playing ground.

A story about how the pressures of sport can effect individuals off the playing grounds. The story delves into how a young man finds a sense of identity on the field however struggles with the overbearing nature of masculinity within sport and the need to always put on a brave face as a young man. The narrative will begin by introducing sportsmen in action followed by juxtaposing images of them out of action. The story then follows on by introducing the main protagonist who is a young rugby player. It follows him around his life, around his home environment and begins revealing the emotions this individual feels. The story concludes by settling on this side of the narrative and lets the notion of the bleak condition linger and leaves reader with this stale sentiment.


I want my book to feature a minimalist front cover possibly with an inconspicuous portrait or an object. I want this minimalist design to continue through the colour scheme on my front cover, this being no more than two earth tone colours. I want the book to have a matte texture on the exterior with the pages being Mohawk proPhoto Pearl paper. The format will be A4 portrait and will have a hard cover and be case bound and section stitched. The title for my book is ‘Big boys don’t cry’. The book will be structured with a combination of single images on one page as well as multiple collages and double page spreads with blank pages being included to create an interlude in the narrative. The images will be sequentially placed to create the narrative I intend to convey. The use of epilogues and text captions will aid in conveying this narrative.

photoshoot 4 (seascape)

For this photoshoot I decided to base myself down Plemont bay. Using midday lighting and sunny/cloudy weather, I was able to capture more images relating to Jerseys identity involving seascapes. Plemont Bay is a good location to take images as for the cliff faces, caves, and swell. A slight on shore wind created choppy waves and white spray. Here is a contact sheet of the majority of images taken.

When photographing waves I always angle myself lower to the ground to create the illusion of the wave being above the camera. After arranging the best images from the shoot I started to edit in light room. Adjustments such as exposure levels, vibrancy, saturation, contrast, highlights and shadows where all heightened or lowered to create a much stronger and powerful image .