Shoot 1

For my first photoshoot, responding to this project, I used my grandparents as the sole focus of the images. I believe that they were the best subjects to focus on for my first shoot, as they are more or less at the centre of my personal study project. I went about this by taking staged portraits with each of them separately as well as together. I took these photographs to display both a medium shot and a head and shoulder frame. In addition to this style of portraits, I also captured a small amount of images that showcased my grandparents hands, including their wedding rings. I used natural light with this shoot as I was able to take them at midday in a space that allowed a large amount of natural light in the room. I thought this type of lighting would best fit this shoot as it provides a more natural and less staged essence to the image, as well as making it appear closer to something seen in a family album. My camera was set to a fast shutter speed and low ISO for this shoot, due to the large amounts of natural light entering the lens, and a mid to large aperture.

Image Selection

Here I started selecting and narrowing down the images I wish to edit by first flagging the images I believe are of good quality, using the ‘P’ key to do this, as well as flagging the images I don’t wish to develop, using the ‘X’ key. After going through roughly 200 photographs that my shoot was composed of, I then filtered out all the images I do not want to edit and went through the ‘P’ flagged images rating them out of 5. With this I filtered out all of the images that were und or over exposed, and not quite in focus enough.

Once I had done this, I filtered through my photographs again this time choosing to look at the ‘P’ Flagged images rates 4 and above only. Here I was able to view the best products of this shoot. Finally, I narrowed down the best of my images by colour coding them, with green being my strongest photographs and yellow as the weaker ones. This enabled me to see which of my images were the most interesting composition wise and best as singular standalone pieces.


Initial Edits

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