Photobook Essay Plan

Essay Plan

  1. Opening quote (either Lillie Langtry or The Countess of Castiglione)

Paragraph 1


– Basing my book/essay on a mixture of my personal identity and things I am interested in.

– Looking into how photography plays a part in celebrity culture in good and bad ways e.g self promotion and paparazzi.

– Comparing historical and contemporary figures ; Lillie Langtry (historical), Countess of Castiglione (historical), Kim Kardashian (historical)

Paragraph 2 – Historical

The Countess of Castiglione (Positive)

– 1837 until 1899, Italian aristocrat

– Mistress of Napoleon III of France, obsessed with her own appearance, would not look at herself in old age when she lost her attractive looks.

– Photographed over 400 times with photographer Pierre-Louis Pierson, and also images of her son and her dogs.

– Controlled the whole photographic process (lighting, pose, setting) to allow herself to create her own self-perception to the public.

– Portraits kept in Metropolitan Museum, biographies and movies made about her life.

Paragraph 3 – Historical

Lillie Langtry (Positive and negative)

– 1953 until 1929, Jersey-born socialite

– Original name : Emilie Charlotte Le Breton (relation to my family on grandfathers side – personal identity)

– Actress, socialite, mistress of Prince Albert of Wales, early example of celebrity endorsement.

– Scandal between her and Prince in newspapers, scandal forgotten, became actress with help of Oscar Wilde and opened Jersey Opera House

Paragraph 4 – Contemporary

Kim Kardashian (Negative)

– Social media and reality star

– Positive and negative ideas on the public having access to photography through phones and sharing experiences and photographs of celebrities. Photography making career easier to boost (modelling and brand deals)

– ‘Cancel Culture’ holding celebrities accountable for mistakes, threatening careers and sometimes safety of the celebrity.

– Paparazzi also threatening safety and careers of celebrities for their appearance, where they are, what they are doing. Threaten the lives of their families and friends.

– Origin of fame for Kardashian family being controversial (leaked explicit videos and photos)

Paragraph 5


– Comparing photography in celebrity lives throughout history (positive and negative effects)

– Photography as art vs photography as a career

– How photography being made accessible to everyone has effected the lives of celebrities

– Bibliography

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