Identity Mind-map

Identity Moodboard

Write a Statement of Intent that clearly contextualises;
What you want to explore?
Why it matters to you?
How you wish to develop your project?
When and where you intend to begin your study?
Make sure you describe your chosen theme (IDENTITY & COMMUNITY), subject-matter (topic, issue), artists (inspirations, references) and final outcome (photobook, film).
Statement Of Intent
The discussion of teenager’s mental health is growing in everyday society, some disregard it and some understand it’s increasing prominence; I wish to create a study on the theme ‘Identity’ surrounding the topic of anxiety. I have personally suffered from generalised anxiety disorder from a young age, it has always been a part of my life and I am still learning to deal and live with it, however it is not something I am ashamed of. I am grateful for the knowledge I have that I am not alone on this journey, many of my friends and family are also affected by it so can understand and help each other through any days or moments in life that are particularly difficult. I really want to use photography as a medium to explore how I have coped with anxiety throughout my life, focusing on the idea of finding safety and comfort in certain places around my home, family member’s homes and areas around the island that have always made me feel less anxious. The whole concept of anxiety has been quite normalised in today’s society, having both positive and negative effects, as some feel less alone while others feel less seen. Highlighting this topic, by studying the positive areas of life where I have felt most safe, is very important to me; what matters to me most is creating a truthful display on a personal topic. My ideas for the development of this project are to capture some still life images around my home, using windows in many compositions with reflections of sunlight being a reminder of hope. An artist that has interested me while researching this type of imagery is Daniel Blaufuks, whose are naturalistic yet orchestrated scenes in his images hold questions around memories and nostalgia. Additionally, I have really connected with the work of Robert Darch and his project ‘Vale’, where he documents rooms in and around his home that he has lived in isolation with throughout his struggles with illness. I would really like to develop my project by taking inspiration from Darch’s photography, possibly capturing moments of countryside walks I would go on when feeling anxious during lockdown or visiting the woodlands I would explore as a child – highlighting the idea of ‘escaping reality’ through made up stories and games to keep my mind away from getting worried or scared. I aim for my final outcome to be a photobook that is able to capture and focus on the positive memories dealing with anxiety, where I’ve felt safe and loved by those around me while also showing moments of fear and realism to contrast.
Sophie, a very good statement of intent that provide a good foundation for your personal study. You need to publish post on essay question, plan and write a draft essay introduction. I’m in school all week and we’ll do a 1-2-1 to help with the above and find key texts etc.
I would also like to see any images that you have made so far in relation to your project