Reviewing and reflecting my year 12/13



We were ask to reflect on our Identity and community project. And write an overview of what we had learned so far as Year 12 and Year 13 student and how we intend to develop our Personal Study. Last year we learned about the bases of photography and techniques to take different types of pictures for example when I took my images inspired by Troy Paiva’s style I had to learn how to use two continuous lights and added a grid and coloured gels to them to have the same effect. I also learned about contrasting warm and cool colours. We explored several subjects like Anthropocene, landscapes, many types of portraits like headshots up close, double/Multi exposures, Deadpan passport… This experience made realise how much I apricate Portraits, whether it’s close up or double exposure I find people interesting because I think it’s fun, it’s you who decides the poses and the place so it’s predictable your creativity has no limit. We also learned how to edit our pictures with multiple apps like Photoshop or Lightroom so we have the choice how and with which app we want to edit our images. Last year we worked individually in each project but this year we tried one the NFT project in groups. Is definitely different working individually and working in group. You have learn to share and mixed your ideas with the other members, Organized yourself in relation to others, At least the easiest is that we have to divide up the roles while when we are individual we have to do everything alone so it takes more time. We learned how to create a gif, and edit our NFT video. Even if I wasn’t very interested in the NFT project I still really like how our project turned out and I appreciated working with my group. We had two controlled conditions last year, Self-reflection we investigate the subject of Identity what it meant to us. We study who we were and how did we identify ourselves. I represented one of the cultures I grown up with which is Mexico. I explained one of the most famous artist in Mexico is Frida Kahlo. I love Frida Kahlo’s paintings because of the way she expresses herself behind them. So I wanted to self portraits inspired by her to honour her. I think this could be great for my community and identity project now. Our seconded control conditions was Anthropocene which means a period of time during which human activities have had an environmental impact on the Earth. On that time a knew a hotel that was closed and I thought it could be a great opportunity to take pictures so I could show a place abandoned by humans and which is being destroyed by itself little by little. And create Art with it “But what if we took the packaging of our favourite fast food and turned it into an inspiration from a 17th century painting.” I think they were my best work and I had a lot of fun making them. I explain in more detail, we can see that I have more confidence and the photos are in better quality.

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