Contextual Studies 1

In the photo it shows the use of two black and white photos layered on top of each other where the lighting in the Photos are natural with a fast shutter speed as there isn’t much light in the photos and with the two people I would expect movement which is easily cause with a fast shutter speed so there is no blurring in the image.

“The snapshot idea has always interested me – the way an object in its dysfunction or contextual orientation become an image; it seems to become an image itself.”

I agree with this statement as a dysfunctional object I find can be very interesting in the way they have become exploring how it looks which you can then photograph and become a new image itself.

The use of a small tonal range is very effective as both images relate towards the blacks and whites giving both the images that simple link between the two. the two images have a contrast in textures as the back photo has a softer texture because of the bed sheets having a comfy look to the image. With the front image it has a rougher texture as the road has a rough look to it and so does the grass with its uneven surface.

“I have found following my own image fascination difficult. It is always in conflict with my conscience intentions and leads me into unexpected, sometimes unwelcome territory.”

I do find with photography it can become bias towards conscience decisions which then again can lead to unexpected territory but it can also lead towards good decisions and the conscience decision can lead to something really impactful.

As the overlaying photo has a fork road where the one road splits into two may reflect the photo of the two women as they could be the one road parting into two. The overlaying photo also covers the women’s faces which isn’t centre so then it could be intentional on how it’s uneven and how it is purposely places on those faces or could be accidental.

“Collage is a way to create the circumstances for digression and for attention to the unintentional or inadvertent, as you say, for allowing a conscious contemplation of the image in its dream state.”

With the overlaying photo is gives both the images attention for this uniqueness whether it was intentional or not but it does allow the the conscience to contemplate the image on its dream like state.

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