Editing in lightroom

First I created a collection set and then imported all my images into my identity and community folder.
Then I went through my images and flagged (white flag) all the best images I want to use and aimed to half the amount of images I took. The white flag made it easier in the editing process to be able to quickly identify the images I chose as my best ones.

I then went through and started to edit all the flagged images from my first and second shoot. I played around with many different editing tools and adjusted the colour , brightness and shadows on my images to create the perfect lighting and an image that I was happy with. I decided to put some of my images into black and white to create extra effect on those images. I mainly used black and white on the portrait images from shoot 1 as I felt it drew more attention to the emotions on the models face and more emphasise to the image.

Shoot 1 edits

For shoot 2 I had less images however I feel my images in shoot 2 replicated different cultures and communities within Jersey that aren’t just Jersey born communities.

Shoot 2 edits

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