Setting/ Editing

The location was at the house of a relative of mine, We liked this house because it’s regal and touch of femininity. This film was fun to make because it’s concept and also each scene was a perfect image with several hidden symbols. We choose ‘Womankind’ as our title reference to mankind but also because of the stereotype that woman need to be kind and gentle. We took several shoot and we picked out three of them. The videos were about ten seconds each and created a smooth transitions, the goal was to create a continuous shoot and also to create our model’s story about the fight that women did during decades. The first clip is in black and white in reference to the time period (50’s) and to Cindy Sherman. Our model is in the kitchen cooking. She looks around if her husband left, puts down the bowl and picks up her suffragette before she leaves. For the second scene, We can find colour but they are not very bright reference to Clare Rae. In these scene, the model walks into the scene, get’s ready and picks up her woman’s rights poster determined to protest for her rights. The last video clip with our model is the representation of a better future, our model is entering she seems happy and confident, she looks at the mirror and then smile at the camera when she leaves we can hear the speech saying how gentle and kind you are with yourself and then we see the images of strong women stories fighting, protesting, working, trying to have a better a life. After we pick out music for our NFT video. Unfortunately we could only use royalty free for the track due to rights issues. Our first idea was to put a different song for each decade but we thought it wasn’t enough meaningful. We wanted the song to make us emotional and that’s when we found Luminance by Scott Buckley. The song is sweet and dramatic it was perfect. We added for an extra touch three feminist speeches recordings that was well associated to every shoot. The first audio recording we used is taken from Christabel Pankhurst 1908 speech protesting the proper for votes for women. After we used a speech from 70’s on the Women’s rights motion and the third one is a speech recorded in 2019 the most recent of Britta Badour’s “Dear Young Woman”