NFT- Embroidery Workshop

What is embroidery? Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. Embroidery may also incorporate other materials such as pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. When it comes to photography, this can be a good edition to your images- it can add texture, depth and can make images more interesting overall.

Melissa Zexter interview: Embroidered photography -
Melissa Zexter

We started by learning 4 different techniques, these being: running stitch, back stitch, couching stitch and the satin stitch. My personal favourite would be the back stitch as it creates a smooth, thick and constant line of thread. We practiced these stitches on a small piece of material.

We were then assigned a task to cut any pieces of material around the room (being the People Make Jersey tapestries from the Jersey Museum) and had to create our own piece of art using the embroidery techniques we had learnt. We were also asked to take pictures every few minutes to create a short gif animation afterwards.

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