embroidery workshop

Recently we had a workshop setup for us having to do with embroidering due to potentially using this craft for our films in our groups. What is Embroidery? We learnt that embroidery is the art of being able to decorate any fabric or other material using a needle to apply thread or a yarn. Moreover, with embroideries you can include other materials into your work such as beads, pearls or even leafs depending on what the focus of your piece is. Embroidery in terms of photography could be a great addition to add to your work due to it adding texture and more depth into your work making it look more appealing.

Colorful Embroidery on Vintage Photographs by Victoria Villasana
Victoria Villasana

The lesson was started of by us students being given a piece of paper, teaching us four different techniques being: running stitch, back stitch, couching stitch and finally the satin stitch. During this lesson we got given a small piece of material and we drew a simple shape to go over with these four different techniques for practice. In my opinion my favourite technique was the satin technique. This was because I thought it looked more appealing to be able to fill a shape out all the way, it also gave the shape that i filled in a texture which also caught my attention.

Once we got the techniques down, as a class we where told to go around the studio and cut out different materials around the room which was the People Make Jersey tapestries from the Jersey Museum. After getting our cut outs we had to bring them back to our tables and make something out fo the cut outs we attained with the embroidery skills we got taught. Also, we got told to take pictures every 5 minutes in order to make a short film of the progress made in creating our embroidery pieces.

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