Before we started the NFT project, I already have experience with NFT’s as I created and minted one on the Ethereum blockchain through Foundation.

I chose to mint it on Foundation as at the the time it was the best place to buy and sell NFT’s. You had to get an invite to the platform in order to start selling, which I did after speaking with a few different artist and showing them my work. Foundation is probably still the best platform to sell single pieces, however opens is the best place to sell collections.

I chose to mint one on my pieces that I’ve already created using Blender (a free 3D modelling software) and Photoshop.

This is the piece I decided to mint:


It cost me approximately £80 to mint it on the ETH blockchain, and users can bid on it, or make an offer.



We got into a group of 4 to create a mind map about different communities we related to/know and we thought about how we could show these in Jersey and through a NFT.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-102.png

I created 2 mindmaps. My first one was a starting point for me just to put down all my ideas surrounding the word community and different ideas for shoots.
My second mindmap was to develop those ideas and create shoots from those ideas and how I am able to represent my ideas through Jerseys community.

To create our moodboard we looked into and thought about answering this question.
What will the future of Jersey look like as a community in the metaverse?”
This question was the basis behind my whole NFT project and this is where the ideas sparked from.


Once we made the mind map we made a mood board to add image to our ideas and give us more inspiration for ideas for our 30 second animation and image.

My group had the most inspiration from Generations as we wanted to show how fashion has changed over the many generations and show what it could be like in the future.

NFT – Research and Analysis


A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on the decentralized public Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, that certifies ownership of a digital asset, which is unique and therefore is not interchangeable.

NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files.

The artist creates a piece of digital art, then mints it on the blockchain and lists it on a website for a fee, then users can buy the NFT for an exchange of ETH, sometime the NFT is sold with an utility which can be a real life print out or other items as well as the NFT.


Lets say you buy the Mona Lisa (NFT) with your money (Ethereum, ETH), now you own it, but when you go to collect it from the museum (blockchain, where all the NFT’s are on) the museum staff stop you and instead, they give you a recipe saying you own it. Basically, the recipe is a certificate of ownership.


Digital art is the new way forward in the modern world. Anyone can create it at home on a computer using software such as, Photoshop, C4D, Adobe Animate, Blender, etc. Essentially, digital art is starting the replace physical art, as there is a lot of new ways to experiment with new ideas.

Here are some examples of digital art:

Year in Review: Best of Blender Artists, 2019 - BlenderNation


I think digital art is more powerful than physical art as it is more modern and up to date with new technology, this means that there is more potential with digital art, as there are no limits. However, physical art has elements that digital art cannot possess, such as, emotion in the brush’s strokes and the texture, this is because digital art is mostly displayed on a screen, until holograms get better.


I made some digital art, in a 3D software called Blender then used Photoshop to adjust the colours and other elements. After I minted and listed it on to a NFT market place called Foundation.

This the link to it: LOST