William Collie

William Collie was a very influential photographer in Jersey in the mid 1800s. His work is portraiture based with shots that look like candid’s but are most likely set up. These images were taken at the jersey marketplace probably of French women in French lane, a place which still exists now but has since been renamed to Hilgove Street. Due to the time period the photos are in black and white and are quite grainy however they are very good quality with a reasonably high resolution

This photo was taken by Collie in 1847 showing three French women sitting at the market place having a conversation after buying their wares. The three of them sat together create leading lines that form a triangle which would give the central woman the most power however she and the woman on the left are looking to the woman one the right who in turn is looking directly at the camera giving her the most power. The photo looks as if he is instructing them how to pose as they do not look natural enough to be candid’s and as it was taken in the 1840’s the photo would have taken a long time to be taken so it would not be possible to take a candid.

My photo seems to be a tableau however is a candid depicting a family meal. I had the option to put it in black and white like Collie would have but instead kept it in colour as it makes the food, which is an important part of our family culture, stand out. Similarly to collies work, arms are used to create leading lines directing to the food.

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