Jersey museum analysis

On Monday June 7th, the school had arranged a trip to go to the Jersey Museum to discover an exhibition called ‘ People Make Jersey’. The exhibition showcased how immigration has influenced change in jersey from cultures, buildings and why people decided to immigrate to Jersey over the centuries. We learnt that in the 19th century that the jersey economy was boosted increasingly due to wealthy immigrants coming over. These individuals mainly came over from the UK or British colonies due to the attraction of the tax scheme, mild climate and for the way of life of living on the island. Due to these high value residents coming over to Jersey, this helped with creating local jobs and contributing to the growth of St.Helier in this time period.

After we went around the museum taking pictures of a rich merchants house, we went out on a walk through town with Stewart to take pictures of buildings and chimneys that had a lot more meaning behind them than anyone thought. For example there where buildings that have bricks which where darker than the others and the reasoning behind this was because those brick’s had been charred for a longer amount of time then the other brick’s in the process of making them. As for the yellow chimneys, we got told that they had some sort of military meaning behind them for the Jersey military in understanding which of those buildings that had the yellow chimneys where owned by the Jersey military.