Research : Jersey Museum Exhibition

For an introduction to our year 13 project we started to look at different cultures and the different communities of jersey. We went and visited the Jersey museum to see the exhibition: People Make Jersey, which showed us several different aspects to jerseys identity as well as jerseys community.

Additionally during my research I also discovered that every Jersey resident has an immigration story; whether their family came here 500 years or five years ago. This exhibition explores some of these stories and the ways in which immigration has shaped and influenced the Island we know today. I personally feel that this is a good way for the public to understand and share their stories of immigration.

Around there were several things around the museum which consisted of things such as newspapers, Jersey maps and notes. They had both old and new newspapers we see today which added contrast between the two different newspapers showing a clear difference between the time they were produced. (shown below)

Overall I feel that this trip with school really inspired me to learn more about my friends and family’s cultures and backgrounds as well as continue to do more research on the islands community’s.

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