To relate to the topic and theme of Anthropocene, I have chosen to do a photo-shoot which explores the beauty of plastic bags but the destruction that they seem to be doing to our world. I will be using the studio in school to take photos and will be using spot lights to create different colours that flow through the plastic. I will be taking photos from the inside of the plastic bags and also the outside but trying to show less of any background.
Contact sheets


Changing the offset was the main change for many of my photos followed by the exposure on photoshop and on camera.

next for the colour I heightened the vibrancy to get the extra glow on the images. This made the images look as if they were more environmental such as the blue bag above. It replicates the ocean and waves.

finally I cropped out any extra image I didn’t need and played around with the levels of light to make the images seem interesting to look at.
These images above were created using an old plastic bag ripped up with two spot lights either side with coloured gels such as blue and red. I chose to do these colours as I wanted the images not to only look abstract and colourful, but for the image to have a meaning or story behind it. For example, the redness seems to be beating as a heart through the back of the bag which has some sort of destructive energy to it. Then to the left of the images is where the pretty blue crumpled plastic which almost acts like a wave in the ocean. The image is expressing how plastic is effecting the beauty in our world such as a wave in the ocean.
This image above in red clearly relates to the theme of Anthropocene as it is describing the destruction of plastic and how damaging it can be. The red gloomy look makes the plastic looks as if it is deadly and is ready to do damage. The crisp edges seem to be sharp and aggressive.
Linking To A Photographer
As we can see Vilde’s work has more lines and creases that flow through the plastic bag than mine. She has used more light and a high quality camera. But both images has similarities such as the image is taken from the start of the bag, and straight though the inside. Colour has been a big part of Vilde’s work and I can see why as when reflective colour to the inside of a plastic bag it creates beautiful patterns.
This photoshoot turned out pretty well with my outcomes being at good quality and easy to relate to another photographer who explores the same objects with them linking to Anthropocene. If I was to do this photo-shoot again I would take more images than I did and maybe bring different materials into the studio.