evaluation and critique

Overall I think I have successfully achieved what I wanted to do when planning out my exam and ideas for the theme of Anthropocene. My goal was to show what our natural environment might look like in the future due to Anthropocene which is the effect us humans have on our planet. I have successfully used ideas from my chosen photographers as they both use photo montage and many photo-shop skills to edit opposite ideas/objects in our planet together. I have presented my ideas through editing our town/tall and built up areas in Jersey onto our coast and beach in St. Ouens to show what will most likely happen if we don’t protect our green lands and natural environments.

I have successfully use many different Photoshop tools in order to produce and get to my final image. The tools I used the most were the ‘Quick Selection Tool’ and the ‘Eraser’ to make sure I cut out each building and area well while also getting rid of any extra background sections I didn’t need. When you compare my original photo, of just the beach, to my final finished and edited images I think it has quite a shocking impact on the viewer as it really does create an idea in their head that if we don’t protect our environments our beaches will all look the same and the amazing views will be ruined by many new roads and buildings. This is the effect I wanted to create and I think I have linked it back to the theme of Anthropocene very well as it shows how we changed our planet over the years and most of the time it causes a negative impact.

Evaluating two of my final images-

In both of my images I have used natural lighting, I took my images during the day in sunny weather as I wanted the sky to be as clear as possible and the sea to be photographed perfectly. I have slightly increased the saturation levels on my images as I wanted to make them more brighter and create a warm temperature as my two chosen photographers use extremely bright colours when editing.I focused my lens on the whole image as I didn’t want it to only focus on one building or area of the image. When taking my images I took them on a fast shutter speed as I didn’t want my images to end up being blurry as I took all my images from a very high perspective therefore I had to keep my camera still. I also didn’t use a slow shutter speed as that would have captured the movement of the cars,people and waves in the sea which would have made it extremely difficult to edit and layer the images over each other. When it came to editing my images individually I didn’t want to over or under edit them in any way too much as I wanted them to look as natural as possible to create a more realistic impact/image in the viewers mind.

I took both of my images in colour as I was inspired by my chosen photographers. In both of my images I would say I have a good range of different colours as the sky and bay are both very bright and blue whereas the buildings/town are more dull and filled with more generic colours like grey and browns. I tried to keep the composition of my images into three sections, I wanted the sky to be the top section however I did crop a lot of the sky down as I didn’t want it to take up too much length of the image and I wanted the main focus to be the buildings. I then always tried to make sure the sea and main part of the built up section was right in the middle as I think that’s the first section the viewer focuses on right away. For the bottom layer of my images I experimented with different sections in each image, such as using parking lots for one or editing roads and more of the green ares of town into there.

For the conceptual side of photography I wanted to have a good idea for Anthropocene. The meaning behind both my images was to make whoever is looking at my images aware of what our future could look like or will look like, if we don’t protect our environments as we humans do anything to any spare land left as every country wants to be more modern and urbanized as the years go on. One of my chosen photographers, Jesse, also is the reason I thought of this idea as one of her image shows a mountain that reflects a massive museum building on the river below it showing what our land gets turned into eventually with a huge car park surrounding the natural environment. I think this idea is very effective as it really shows the true meaning behind Anthropocene and the effect we have on our planet , which once again I think have successfully achieved through sticking with my plan.

Critique- If I was to change something about my final outcome or the way I produced my final images it would be to also take more close up images of individual tall buildings or offices in Jersey so that when it comes to editing , instead of cutting out areas and big sections of buildings all next to each other I could just cut out individual images and spread them all neatly across the bay/coast. This may have made my final images all more different from each other as I could move the different single buildings around and place them wherever I want to as well as re-sizing them.

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