ANTHROPOCENE, Controlled Conditions Naomi White inspired image editing (Anthropocene) May 24, 2021 Chantal LB Leave a comment Original and Edited Images Original Image Edited Image Original Image Edited Image Original Image Edited Image How I edited my photographs First, I lowered the brightness of my image and increased the contrast in order to create a stronger contrast between the different colours and provide darker tones to the image. I then altered the curves setting of the image to darken the shadows of the image, and to increase the brightness of the highlights within the photo. I increased the hue of the image to a blue-tone to enhance the blue hues of the image. I also increased the saturation and decreased the lightness to make the colours more vibrant and contrasting. To further bring out the blue and red tones of the image, I altered the colour balance to increase cyan-toned colours and magenta-toned colours. This makes both the blues and the reds more vibrant, creating a more juxtaposing contrast.