

The current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

This is an important topic to focus on due to the fact that the decisions we make in our everyday lives can have a major impact on our planet without us even noticing until it’s too late. For example buying things that are made from non-biodegradable plastics which then causes landfills to grow and they then burn it releasing harmful chemicals in the air. Even some plastics end up in the ocean which harms the aquatic animals. Some fish eat micro-plastics which then kill them because they thought that they were eating; however they never got nutrition so they therefore die of starvation. They may also get caught by fishermen, this then leads to the micro-plastics that could have been in the fish, going into the human who is eating that fish. The world of plastic is a vicious cycle which may end up killing us all.

A group of photographers, Union of Concerned Photographers, are trying to spread the word around the world about how we are endangering ourselves and destroying our planet through selfishness and greed. This links to deforestation, where humans are destroying rain forests and woodland areas so that we can build new houses or shopping centers on them. Again, we are essentially shortening our own lives by doing this. Trees produce oxygen through photosynthesis which is what we need to survive. Through photosynthesis they also take in carbon dioxide which is what we breath out during respiration. So plants and trees help us live and we are removing them, meaning we are getting less oxygen in our body.

Not only are we hurting ourselves by doing this, we are also endangering animals by taking away their homes; for example Orangutan’s homes are being destroyed because people want to use the palm oil in their cooking.


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