Greek photographer, George Marazakis (born in 1976 Creta Island Greece), takes Anthropocene as both concept and title for a series that looks at a new epoch engendered by the greed of mankind. He studied mechanical engineering and works for the Greek Ministry of Justice. In his series ‘A Cure for Anthropocene’ he says that an external observer could describe Anthropocene as an autoimmune disease attacking its own body. However, what it would consider as a disease is our very existence and the cure, the ecological movement, does not aim at the salvation of the planet but at the salvation of human existence on the planet. Humanity’s impact on the Earths geology is so crucial that the 11,650 years old Holocene, the current Geological epoch, is proposed to be replaced by a new one called Anthropocene, from the Greek word ‘anthropos’ for human.

Image Analysis

This image has been taken in natural lighting from what looks to be a slightly raised view that is far away. The image is somewhat dull as the grass is a pale green even where the sun is shining on it and the rest of the background is only filled with white and grey tones. I think this image shows Anthropocene well as it clearly shows a natural landscape of a cliff, however it has a man made math all the way down it as though it has been cut and scarred the landscape. This image is a perfect example of a small portion of humans impact on the Earth as most cliffs now have paths that have been purposely made or have paths that have been made by humans walking the same way constantly and the grass wearing away over time. I believe with Jerseys huge range of cliff path walks I can take images inspired by George Marazakis.