CONTROLLED CONDITIONS- Anthropocene Action Plan

For the theme of Anthropocene, the era of which humans have made significant impact on earth, I have chosen to work with the idea of pollution in the ocean. Instead of taking a straightforward response such as photographing waste on beaches, my idea is to put humans in a sea creatures point of view and ask the question: what if it was me? Although Jeremy Carroll portrayed the struggle of a sea creature through portraiture, where she tied up and restricted people in her photographs, I would like to take a more object based/ maybe abstract approach. My main idea is to collect trash for a short while and place it around my home in places where I personally feel most comfortable. I take pride in keeping my home clean and tidy so this will specifically apply to me and others like me. My places of comfort will be representing the ocean- home to all the sea creatures. The plastic waste that I place around will represent the invasion and discomfort we place upon those creatures. When it come to how these photographs will turn out, I would like to use photoshop to edit them in interesting ways, perhaps changing the hue for a ‘cool’ result- but not too much to distract the viewer from my message.

One thought on “CONTROLLED CONDITIONS- Anthropocene Action Plan”

  1. A fantastic introduction, case study and intention Karina. Brilliant – well done!
    I love your idea of plastic rubbish invading your home and personal spaces. To be truly successful it would be amazing to really fill these spaces so they are almost choking with rubbish. Perhaps an open door with plastic bags being forced out. You may need to fill bin bags with newspaper etc. to depict rubbish – get creative. It could be amazing!

    See links below:

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