Wynn Bullock Image Analysis


Wynn Bullock was an American Photographer from Chicago, who was born in 1902. Bullock’s images often have a political meanings behind them. This image alone could have many meanings.

Sea palms are small plants that are often found near rock pools or small crevices by and/or on beaches. The image was taken at an angle to make the sea palms look like large palm trees that are on the edges of a cliff. The mist from the sea looks like a fog bank which helps further give the impression that the photographer took the image from a height.

The mist also is in the shape of a cross, and during the 1960s religion was a major part of society. However, religious views caused tension as many things that are accepted now were seen as inappropriate then. The image is quite sinister and the fact that the image is in black and white could highlight the fact that religion wasn’t always as it seemed. Christianity

The image was taken in America in 1968. During this year, America faced lots of civil unrest.

For example, America was in its 12th year of the Vietnam war. America was loosing and the number of fatalities was the highest out of the whole 20 years.

The Sea Palms could be seen as a representation of the fallen soldiers from the Vietnam war or they could be seen as the family members of the fallen men and be representing praying figures.

One thought on “Wynn Bullock Image Analysis”

  1. Eleanor : please add images / text / video from the time period eg
    Vietnam War
    Political upheaval and demonstrations and civil unrest etc
    “Counter Culture images”

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