Urban and industrial landscapes are known to be photographs that capture the depth of man made qualities. These are some popular locations of what industrial and urban landscape photos may be such as factory’s, power sites and rubbish sites. Urban landscapes on the other hand may include street photography such as alley ways and rundown or abandoned buildings and houses. Some examples of urban and industrial landscape photography can be seen below….
Industrial Photography…
These images above are examples of the more industrial side of photography and broken down housing. It shows and explores man kind in a way that we simply seem to be destroying the beauty around us. They all seem to be gloomy and unwanted places which makes this type of photography a good genre to analyse.
Urban Photography…
Urban photography is often referred to in the same context as street photography but its a much wider genre that can include anything within a built-up, urban environment. People are not always included in the images, unlike in street photography it seems to have to capture a person.
Urban Photography is more to do with the culture of city and town life. Modern urban photography seems to capture the colorful side of the cities and how humans make the cities lively and happy. These photos that are titled as (Urban Photography) do not have to capture a human in the image. This is what makes Urban photography more exiting in my mind that street photography.
Photographers I Will Be Looking and Referring My Work To…
Rut Blees Luxemburg… Urban
Thomas Struth… Urban
In my opinion, these two photographers will be good to refer my work to as jersey is not the best place for city landscapes and big buildings with motorways etc.. therefore trying my best to capture images in town that relate to these urban photographers will help me get some good quality images to analyse.
Hilla Becher… Industrial