Coastal Landscape photoshoot/Luigi Ghirri Inspired

Photoshoot Plan

Coastal Landscape/Luigi Ghirri Inspired Photoshoot

For this photoshoot the lighting and weather allowed me to capture the subtle tones that Luigi Ghirri famously represents in his own work, however my work has a much darker tonal palette. Ghirri also takes many of his photos at the beach, so I felt like using him as an artist reference ties in well with the topic of coastal landscapes.

I believe the images highlighted in green are best photos because they capture the simple contrast of colours, shapes and the use of leading lines that is common in the works of Ghirri. To edit these photos I could use Lightroom or Photoshop in order to increase brightness and decrease contrast to make the tones lighter and more similar to those of Luigi Ghirri.

The photos highlighted in red are my least successful images because the horizon isn’t captured at a straight angle and in general I don’t think they represent Ghirri’s work as accurately.

Photoshop Development

Original Image
Edited Image
Original Image
Edited Image

I used photoshop to edit these photographs in order to make them more similar to the work of Luigi Ghirri. I did this by increasing the brightness and adding blue-toned hues to give the image the pastel aesthetic that Ghirri achieves.

How I edited these photographs

Firstly, I used the colour balance adjustment to add the blue tones and make the grey sky slightly more vibrant.

I then added a blue-green hue to the image to further accentuate the blue tones. I increased the saturation to highlight the pastel colours and increased the lightness to make the colours lighter.

Finally, I added a cyan colour filter to make the blue tones even more prominent.

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