In this image it the dynamics are very exaggerated as the trees show some dark black shades and with the sun giving a bright white background making it unclear what’s behind the trees. With this image the branches start from the left going towards the right as though it is climbing over to the other side. Within this image the branches show chaos and lots to focus on with the texture of the rocks and the branches overlapping each other.

In this image it focuses on a grey tonal range giving the image a misty look to it, the water reflecting the branches can be seen as quite still giving the image a simple abstract overview. With this image the branches start from the top and bottom going towards the centre line as though they are reaching out towards each other. Within this image the branches are calm and simple to follow with some overlaps and thinner branches.

In both images the focus on the photos are the branches going from one side of the photo to the other, slightly covering up the background making is harder to see. They both give a mysterious look with the branches giving a perception of which way round the image is as the first image looks side ways as the branches are on their side looking like a tree and the other image is reflected so the original image could be upside down and just reflected in photoshop. I thought that the image I created is representative towards the water image as I wanted the focus of the image to be the branches and the in depth detail they have with them overlapping each other yet I wanted to create more noise in my image as I found the image was too calming and simple as I prefer images with simple chaos emerging the more you analysis it.

Landscape Photography – Introduction

What is landscape photography?

Landscape photography is the study of the great outdoors, capturing images showing the essence of nature and the world around us. Usually, landscape photography will focus on the natural environment, however many photographers also capture industrial and man-made environments- showing the contrast between the artificial and nature. Great landscape photography really immerses the viewer into the image, allowing them to feel involved in the scene they are observing and transporting them to the location at hand.

Rural landscape photography focuses on capturing images showing the stories and life in nature and the environment around us, usually one not familiar to many people, possibly secluded or desolate. These images will use different perspectives, lighting and locations to capture areas of a landscape in a less obvious way than usual.

Rural Landscape Photography Moodboard


Editing Process

First I turned all photo into black and white to see which photos look best with this tonal range. Then after picking the 3 to 5 images I put them into a separate mini folder so I can access them easily and to be able to edit them in my lessons when needs to be. I then changed to editing the photos on photoshop as I can access that in my free time. I changed the image into black and white then proceeded to alter the contrast and brightness to give it a stronger look with a large dynamic range. This then made my image turn very abstract yet it is natural which corresponds the task in hand. I then did the same thing to the other two images but with different contrast and brightness levels to then fit the image and how I think would give the images a mysterious look towards it.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-62-1024x576.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-64-1024x576.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-65-1024x576.png

After changing the brightness and contrast I decided that I didn’t want to adjust the image too much to the point where the original doesn’t match the photoshopped one so I’m leaving it to how it is as the first image already looks abstract and the other two I am happy with the mysterious look they give.

Rural Landscape Photography

Rural Landscape – ‘the diverse portion of the nation’s land area not densely populated or intensively developed, and not set aside for preservation in a natural state.’

Rural landscape photography is similar to photographing urban lanscapes, the difference is rural photography is about capturing the ‘life’ in the countryside.

Influential rural landscape images:

rural landscapes

 They can be huge rural spaces, peri-urban areas as well as small spaces within built-up areas. Rural landscapes encompass land surfaces, subsurface soils and resources, the airspace above, and water bodies.

mindmap of rural landscapes that you can photograph.


Romanticism is an intellectual orientation that characterised several works of literature, painting, music, design, and historiography in Western culture over a amount from the late 18th to the mid-19th century. Romanticism are often seen as a rejection of the precepts of order, calm, harmony, balance, and rationality that typified liberal arts normally and late 18th-century arts specifically. Romanticism stresses the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the ingenious, the non-public, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and therefore the transcendental.


Fay Godwin initially took an interest in photography from taking photos of her children in the 1960s, alongside that she took photos of landscape, specializing in rural landscapes. She often collaborated closely with writers to supply exhaustive surveys of specific rural topics or regions. Her photography has generally been joined to a convention of romantic representations of British landscape, within the manner of Bill solon or king Smith. But, as a socialist and active conservationist, Godwin makes the land in her images reveal traces of its history, through mankind’s occupation and and intervention. Her pictures show a readiness to reply to the flow of life, to embrace some live of the accidental effects of sunshine and atmosphere. In incorporating components of each truth and figure of speech, Godwin’s work forms one in every of the foremost complete poetic documents of Brits landscape.

Rural Landscape Introduction

Rural landscape photography is where you photograph an outdoor area that is not quite populated- the photographs often include ‘natural recourses, food and fibre and wildlife habitat’. They are often full of life like fields, trees, flowers but also include beaches, sunsets etc.