
My first thoughts about the overall project are mainly positive as I believe I worked hard to achieve my final grade and am happy with my final images that I produced during this time. During this project I discovered how I am able to make my photography capture a deeper meaning and make it more personal to me. Although, I also found this aspect the most challenging out of the overall project as I found it difficult to focus in on one idea and theme of identity. The most important thing I learned personally is how photography can be used in countless expressive ways to get a certain message across. I think that I got in the way of my progress during the start of the project due to over thinking on how I could approach it. This, I think is one of the obstacles I must overcome to achieve a higher grade, through my research, development and analysis, which should make it easier for me in approaching the task. If I were to approach the problem again, I believe that by researching a wider range of photographers and artist to help me with ideas. In addition, I think I could also manage my time better during the controlled conditions by making a plan of how much time I would spend on each step, allowing me to finish everything and go back over my work and add to it. In the future I also want to be able to make my project even more personal to myself, which I think would improve my work, and spend more time on the photo-shoots allowing for higher quality images.

self – reflection

  1. Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative? My first thoughts about this project is that overall I think that I did well, although I know there are areas for improvement.
  2. If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative? I think that some things I did well were my presentation of my ideas and my case study and comparison. I think I could’ve analysed and evaluated my own final images in more detail.
  3. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project? I discovered that I prefer and find it easier to have a physical final piece that I can hold rather than an image on my blog.
  4. What were the challenges? I think that the thing I found most challenging was my time management, and also making sure that I had everything completed to the best of my ability.
  5. How did I come up with my final best solution? I took inspiration from a range of different photographers, but I also used my own imagination to experiment with different ideas.
  6. What most got in the way of my progress if anything? I think that my time management was the biggest thing that got in the way of me making a lot of progress.
  7. What obstacles did I overcome? I was struggling to come up with ideas for my final pieces, but once I had taken a break and thought about the type of message and feeling I wanted to present, I was fine.
  8. What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement? I think that my greatest strength was that I was able to produce two final pieces that I was proud of, despite changing my mind a lot. I think my biggest area for improvement is my time management skills, and putting as much detail as possible into my blog posts.
  9. What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again? I would try to be as prepared as possible by making a checklist of everything I needed to produce and include in my blog posts, and tick them off as I went along. I would also try to make sure I had got enough done beforehand as possible, as it would put less strain on me during the controlled conditions.
  10. How will I use what I have learned in the future? I will use what I have learned in the future by ensuring I know what is expected of me to produce, and make sure that I put as much effort in as possible.

Self-Reflection Controlled Conditions

Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?

Now that its over, my first thoughts are that it went really well, and i was mostly consistent throughout all of my blog posts.

If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative?

I think that my final images were really strong, and linked back to the photographer I researched and referenced.

What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project?

I discovered that i’m good at explaining the process and showing it in steps. I also found out that there were more steps involved then I intentionally thought, for example the work I did in the style of Evilsabeth Schmitz-Garcia, that involved printing out and taking photos of the scans.

What were the challenges?

Time was a big challenge, as I finished with 4 final images, I felt that the time spent to edit them, and explain them, as well as presenting it, took longer than i thought.

What can I improve?

I could of shown more ways of my exploration of ideas, as it was my weakest point. I did think about by didn’t write much about how, and why I chose to do what I did, which is a big part about the process and presentation, as it leads on to how i edited the final image.

How will I use what I have learned in the future?

I have a better understanding of what I can improve and what I need to go into detail about more. I also feel that my Photoshop skills are more consistent.

Identity and Place – self reflection

  1. Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative? My initial thoughts after the controlled conditions exam are both positive and negative.
  2. If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative? In terms of positive, I think my written work was good quality as I spent most of my time on those pieces, however I think my actual photographs could have been better.
  3. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project? I enjoyed learning about Francesca Woodman as she died at the early age of 22 so I think her life story was very interesting.
  4. What were the challenges? I think the hardest part of the project was capturing the photos themselves, as we had a timed limit and COVID made it difficult to take images of people.
  5. What is the most important thing I learned personally? I’ve learnt that I need to take my images earlier in case I don’t like the outcome and need to take them again. I also need to plan my final plan for my images in advanced.
  6. How did I come up with my final best solution? I decided to use Woodman’s simple method of long exposure and black and white for her study and I edited my images inspired by Carolle Benitah on photoshop rather than physically.
  7. What most got in the way of my progress if anything? COVID got in the way of my progress as the bus times were limited so travel was difficult and there was a lack of people I could take photographs of. Also the time limit made the project difficult.
  8. What obstacles did I overcome? I managed to finish my project within the 5 hour time limit.
  9. What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement? I think my strengths are my written work and detailed analysis and my weakness was my photographs and editing.
  10. What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again? I would explore more ideas for my final photographs and prepare more in advanced with taking the photos.
  11. What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work? Manage my time better in the 2 weeks leading to the exam and become more motivated to go above my expectations.
  12. What can I improve? Taking physical photographs and exploring ideas.
  13. How will I use what I have learned in the future? I will plan my photoshoots in the weeks leading to the exam and practice photoshop techniques.

Self-Reflection Blog Post

Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?

I found the photographers interesting and the topic interesting, however I do not like my blog posts much and feel that they turned out different to what I expected.

What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project?

I found Rania Matar’s A Girl and Her Room interesting, how she compares the American life to the Middle East.

What were the challenges?

My Alec Soth photo shoot was difficult to organise because I needed to organise it along side my dad as he drove me to Corbiere.

What most got in the way of my progress if anything?

My organisation because I left everything to a few days before the exam.

What did I learn were my greatest strengths?

Greatest strength was when in the exam conditions I worked well with the time I had.

What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again?

I would make sure to prepare more before the exam and give myself less work so that I had time to do extra things or try to improve the quality of my work further and go into things with more detail.

What can I improve?

I could have done a third photo shoot with the photographer i looked at where I was planning to do a collage with new and old photos to make my final outcomes more interesting.

How will I use what I have learned in the future?

I will get more organised earlier before the exam.

Set yourself some targets for moving your photography forward. These could be skills based, analytical understanding, written analysis, organisation, blog post structure.

I would take more photos and act on all the things I said I was going to do.


Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?

My first thoughts about this project are that I feel as if I should have thought more in depth about what the assessment was asking me to photograph rather than going off on my own idea which might not link very well to what is asked of me.

If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative?

My positive views about this project are that i enjoyed the topic of identity and place. It seemed as if the whole identity theme was not too hard to understand and easy to find something to work on.

What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project?

During this project I found out how to use different light to effect different parts of photos that I was taking. For example, to get a glow effect on a front of a face, use mostly a white light , and then use coloured light in the background.

What were the challenges?

I found it tricky to find an artist that related to my work and my final outcomes. The artist in the end that I chose was good enough to relate to but wasn’t very helpful when coming to analysis and comparing my work and theirs.

What is the most important thing I learned personally?

The most important thing I have learned during this project is that I definitely need to get more work done before the exam as I was very close of running out of time.

How did I come up with my final best solution?

My final solution to this project was to use inspirations from other photographers and input that into my work, then i would confidently know that my work has some sort of connection to the topic.

What most got in the way of my progress if anything?

The time that I had I felt as if I wasn’t going to have enough time, therefore I worried and struggled to focus on what needed to be done with the time that I did have.

What obstacles did I overcome?

In the end I didn’t doubt myself that my work was that bad, so i overcame my fear of thinking that my work was rubbish when actually it came out okay.

What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement?

My greatest strengths that I found was analysing a photographers piece of work and working in the studio. In the studio I used equipment that I hadn’t really used often and my images turned out good. I improved on my editing skills in photoshop and how to recover an image that had not gone to plan with wording and comparing it to a certain photographers work.

What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again?

If I came across some images that I was not happy with in the exam, I would make sure that I had enough other images to use and another plan if needed.

What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work?

I would make sure that if I would have the exam again or a similar one, I would check my images first before choosing my best ones in the exam.

What can I improve?

I can improve on my knowledge of how to evaluate my own images and how to link them back to the question asked or the topic or a photographer. I would write more in detailed of what my point is for my work and explain exactly what i am trying to get across to people in my images.

How will I use what I have learned in the future?

Hopefully in my next exam i can improve by getting a better grade than I did before by using my free time to make the exam be easier for me and for me not to stress. I can also think more about what is being asked and be more creative with my final outcomes.


In my opinion , my (what went well) would be my research and analysis and understanding of the topic. This is shown as I got I better grade in that part of the exam then the other parts. My own understanding for the work I can write in detail and I can add in other views of the topic from different people.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

As said before I feel as if my strengths in this project were the analysis with both a photographers work and my own.

My weakness in this project would defiantly be the skill level of using photoshop.


I feel I could improve my work if I came up with a more creative and advanced outcome with my final images. This could be either how i present them on the blog, or how and when and where I take them. I could change my idea on the topic and think of something more interesting that I would have more to write about.

controlled conditions SELF-REFLECTION

Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?

Overall i feel positively about this project because i think that i did fairly well.

If positive, what comes to mind specifically?

I think i did well in my final outcomes and final ideas

My biggest areas for improvement?

AO1 is my biggest area of improvement because that is the area i got the lest marks in

What can I improve?

Research, analysis and development of ideas

How will I use what I have learned in the future?

The specific areas of improvement to improve my overall grade

Self-Reflection Blog Post

Create a Self-Reflection Blog Post
Answer some or all these questions:

  1. Now that it’s over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?
  2. If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative?
  3. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project?
  4. What were the challenges?
  5. What is the most important thing I learned personally?
  6. How did I come up with my final best solution?
  7. What most got in the way of my progress if anything?
  8. What obstacles did I overcome?
  9. What did I learn were my greatest strengths? My biggest areas for improvement?
  10. What would I do differently if I were to approach the same problem again?
  11. What could I do differently from a personal standpoint the next time I work?
  12. What can I improve?
  13. How will I use what I have learned in the future?

In addition, think about and comment on:

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Think how you could improve your task/outcome:

Set yourself some targets for moving your photography forward.
These could be skills based, analytical understanding, written analysis, organisation, blog post structure etc, etc,