Identity: Final Outcomes

Rania Matar

Image 1
Image 2
Outcome 1
Outcome 2

Both photos work with the idea of identity and I think I portrayed the topic well. I made sure that the objects and things that were around me that describe me were still viable and clear.

With both outcomes I adjusted the brightness, contrast and exposure to make sure they were brighter because when I took the photos they came out darker then I thought. In outcome 2 I also straightened the picture as it was slanted.

Both photos do not have the same undertone due to the initial lighting used however if I was to present them I would not put them together and would only keep one. Outcome 1 is more cool toned which I do not like as much because I think it makes it personal and makes the mood cold. Whereas Outcome 2 is warmer and gives it more life.

Alec Soth

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3

All three of these photos have the same positioning of Alec Soth’s image where he has a main subject in the centre and the background is plain. I have also incorporated the split horizontally to split the images into two. The story with outcome 1 and 3 is that I wanted to portray a sense of lost identity and emptiness. The location being Corbiere has a deeper meaning that links to me personally because it is an important place to me as it reminds me of my grandparents.

When editing Outcome 1 and 3 I cropped the images so that the bench would be in the middle. On all three outcomes I adjusted the brightness, contrast, exposure and gamma correction. I made the sky brighter and adjusted the exposure of each image to make sure the sky was plain but then adjusted the contrast higher so that the land was still darker. I also adjusted the gamma correction so that the land would still have colour and not be washed out. On outcome 1 I used the clone tool to get rid of some rocks that were in the sea in the bottom left so that the background was plain.

Image 4
Outcome 4

When taking this photo I wanted to focus on the topic identity and how these images are about Corbiere and my grandparents. When they visit they sit on the bench photographed in the above image which is what I associate with the location.

I adjusted the brightness, exposure, contrast and gamma correction so that the background was lighter and clearer but the land was still clear.

One thought on “Identity: Final Outcomes”

  1. Some confident work on show here but further photographic development and exploration would improve your work as we discussed. You’re growing in confidence but in future ensure your development of ideas are sustained and informed by the work of other photographers. In addition ensure that your final outcome realises your initial intentions and that you comment on this in your evaluation.

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