Final images

To create my final images I took photos of a fellow student. I took photos of looking dead at the camera. To create the lighting in my images I used a mixture of one point and two point lighting. This created shadows on parts of her face to add a contrast of lighting.
Once I had a good amount of images from different angles and different types of lighting, I then selected 20 images that I thought where my strongest images. I decided to merge my 2 shoots together as I felt this would give me the best outcome as I could use my strengths from both shoots.
I then printed out these images and started experimenting in ways similar to Rosanna Jones style. I cut out parts of the models face and stuck them on top of an image of her face to create an enlarged effect. This also related to Rosanna’s style of the idea of notions of embodiment. I also experimented with burning the models eyes on a piece of paper, similar to an image from Rosanna’s “Destroy” shoot. Although as my image was printed onto regular paper , not photograph paper, it created a yellow tinge to the area around the eyes.
I also decided to experiment with using colour filters and creating a ‘half and half’ visual. Although Rosanna herself did not do this, I still felt it could link to her aims of exploring visual identity as blue is seen as a colour related to boys/men and pink relating to girls/women, so using a comparison of both colours could create that uncertainty of visual identity.
Once my images were taken I adjusted there saturation and cropped them on Adobe Photoshop, but this was the only editing I had to do to my images.

I felt my process went well as I feel I came out with some strong images which relate well to my photographer. I did experiment with some images that did not turn out the way I wanted them too or how I felt they would look so I did not use those images. I tried replicating some of Rosanna’s images but also tried to be creative and come up with some of my own ideas which still relate to Rosanna’s aims.
I am pleased with all my final outcomes and feel that I have picked my strongest images from the ones taken. All my images relate to Rosanna’s

I feel as there is a strong link between my images and Rosanna Jones’ images and ideas, therefore I am confident my images represent my intention of exploring notions of embodiment and visual identity.

One thought on “FINAL IDENTITY”

  1. Good work Cerys. Well done. You’re growing in confidence but in future ensure your development of ideas are sustained and perhaps more experimentation was required (as discussed). In addition ensure that your final outcome realises your initial intentions and that you comment on this thoroughly in your evaluation.
    Contact sheets – edit them in the first instance to avoid repetitive imagery. Result is a more focused set of contact sheets.

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