

When it comes to the centre of my identity, the centre of my jigsaw puzzle I don’t have anything that I would believe that makes me truly happy as I have been struggling to keep others happy let alone myself. I wouldn’t even pin a place to my happiness as I feel like I don’t belong anywhere and every time I feel like I’m at home something changes so it doesn’t feel like home anymore.

Mood Board


Case Study

Edward Honaker

Edward Honaker is a a 21 year old photographer who documents his own depression through the use of self portraits, the black and white images illustrates the photographer’s experience with depression and anxiety.

In an attempt to raise awareness of the topic, Honaker says about the project: “Mental health disorders are such a taboo topic. If you ever bring it up in conversation, people awkwardly get silent, or try to tell you why it’s not a real problem. When I was in the worst parts of depression, the most helpful thing anyone could have done was to just listen to me – not judging, not trying to find a solution, just listen. I’m hoping that these images will help open up conversation about mental health issues. Everyone is or will be affected by them one way or another, and ignoring them doesn’t make things better.”

Photo Shoot

Final outcome

The use of jagged cut paper show the distress of photo, how the slips of paper are cut in different lengths and with slanted cuts which make it look messy and random which reflects how I feel in my head, messy and chaotic with no set path of directions. This links back to the photographer because h puts the strips of paper on his head to show how this links to his depression and anxiety which students tend to have when facing their exams especially with corona messing up their learning. I find that with corona messing up my learning so I find that I’m struggling, that links to the photographer because his images resemble the struggle that people have to go through whether they have mental health problems or not.

One thought on “Happiness”

  1. Some through and interesting work here. Well focused line of enquiry about self identity but your ideas could’ve been explored and expanded further. (more photographs and experimentation). You’re growing in confidence but in future ensure that your final outcome realises your initial intentions and that you comment on this in your evaluation.

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