These photos i’m going to take have been self inspired through doing research on several different artist and taking ideas from individual ones. I have decided to take head shot photographs and i’m going to work and edit them in Photoshop to change them and adapt them to the topic of identity. With these images below i’m am going to use Photoshop to disguise the models face to hide their identity.

Idea 1:

For this idea I decided to open up several of my best images in Photoshop. First of all I started by duplicating the layer then went to the blending options and unticked the green and red colours. Finally I moved one of the layers to a slight angle and it created this effect. I feel that this worked well as it hides the identity of the model as it shows a second picture of the same person creating the thought of mystery

Idea 2:

For this idea I decided to use Photoshop to crop the photographs to a square. Then I duplicated the layer and converted it to a smart object this therefor this allowed me to use the filters and develop my photos using the mosaic filter.Overall I feel that this worked well however it may have been better if I changed the photos to black and white by desaturating them in Photoshop first before i started to edit the images.

Idea 3:

For these images below I tried to experiment by using a hand held projector which I feel worked well to a certain extent as they way in which the projected disguises the models face reflects that it could be hiding her identity. However if I was to do this again I would project different images onto the wall as the ones in which I chose were all quite dark making the tones not stand out as well as they could have been.


  1. A confident project Elisha. Well done. Moving forward you need to develop your ideas further and could’ve responded to the work of an additional photographer as shown in your initial mood board. (as discussed). Your development of ideas using photoshop techniques could’ve been executed with more refinement and this would’ve made a difference to the quality of your outcomes. In addition ensure that your final outcome realises your initial intentions and that you comment thoroughly on this in your evaluation.

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